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Vat. Ecum. Council II
IntraText - Concordances

   Doc., Chap.,  Paragraph
1 DeiVerbum, 6, 23 : taught by the Holy Spirit, is concerned to move ahead toward a deeper 2 LumenGentium, 4, 36 :principles, since it is rightly concerned with the interests of this 3 LumenGentium, 7, 51 :pastoral interests, we urge all concerned, if any abuses, excesses 4 SacrosConcil, 7, 127: God the Creator, and are concerned with works destined to be 5 GravissEduc, 0 : Mother the Church must be concerned with the whole of man's 6 GravissEduc, 0 : employ all suitable aids, is concerned especially about those which 7 GravissEduc, 0 : Universities~The Church is concerned also with schools of a higher 8 NostraAetate, 0, 5 : rights flowing from it are concerned. ~The Church reproves, as 9 AdGentes, 1, 6 : men, groups and peoples concerned, only by degrees does she 10 AdGentes, 5, 32 : and the institute will be concerned to direct everything to 11 PresbytOrdin, 2, 7 : brothers and friends38 and be concerned as far as they are able 12 ApostActuos, 2, 5 : work, while essentially concerned with the salvation of men, 13 ApostActuos, 3, 10 : itself. Thus they should be concerned about the needs of the people 14 OptatTotius, 2, 2 : vocations and should be concerned with coordinating all forces 15 OptatTotius, 3, 7 : set down by the bishops concerned and approved by the Apostolic 16 OptatTotius, 4, 9 : should be almost solely concerned with the notion of danger 17 PerfectCarit, 0, 18 : the part of the religious concerned results. ~Religious should 18 ChristDomin, Pref, 3: pastoral government are concerned, all are united in a college 19 ChristDomin, 1, 6 : They should especially be concerned about those parts of the 20 ChristDomin, 2, 24 : the provinces or regions concerned. Finally, they are to propose 21 ChristDomin, 2, 35 : differences in rites are concerned-the care of souls, the sacred 22 UnitatRedint, 1, 4 : work, must assuredly be concerned for their separated brethren, 23 UnitatRedint, 3, 17 : of the Eastern Church are concerned, we must recognize the admirable 24 InterMirific, 1, 5 : necessary that all parties concerned should adopt for themselves 25 InterMirific, 2, 20 : the public apostolate is concerned, to guide them, not excluding

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