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Vat. Ecum. Council II
IntraText - Concordances

   Doc., Chap.,  Paragraph
1 LumenGentium, 2, 17: carry it out to the very ends of the earth.133 Wherefore 2 LumenGentium, 3, 19: Samaria, and even to the very ends of the earth".144 And the 3 LumenGentium, 3, 24: peoples and kings even to the ends of the earth.162 And that 4 GravissEduc, 0 : difference of sex and the proper ends Divine Providence assigns 5 AdGentes, 1, 3 : abroad and published to the ends of the earth (Acts 1:8), 6 AdGentes, 1, 6 : Christians. And yet these two ends are most closely connected 7 AdGentes, 6, 37 : range of its charity to the ends of the earth, and devotes 8 PresbytOrdin, 2, 10: of salvation "even to the ends of the earth" (Acts 1:8), 9 PresbytOrdin, 3, 17: should be used only toward ends which are licit according 10 ApostActuos, 4, 19 :consideration. Associations are not ends unto themselves; rather

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