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Vat. Ecum. Council II
IntraText - Concordances

   Doc., Chap.,  Paragraph
1 DeiVerbum, 4, 15 : before the time of salvation established by Christ, reveal to all 2 DeiVerbum, 4, 16 : New. 2 For, though Christ established the new covenant in His 3 DeiVerbum, 5, 17 : see John 1:14). Christ established the kingdom of God on earth, 4 LumenGentium, 1, 8 : Christ, the one Mediator, established and continually sustains 5 LumenGentium, 2, 9 : Holy Spirit,89 are finally established as "a chosen race, a royal 6 LumenGentium, 2, 9 : for the whole human race. Established by Christ as a communion 7 LumenGentium, 2, 9 : of unity and peace, and established them as the Church that 8 LumenGentium, 2, 17 : infant churches are fully established and can themselves continue 9 LumenGentium, 3, 18 : Christ, the eternal Shepherd, established His holy Church, having 10 LumenGentium, 3, 19 : universal Church, which the Lord established on the apostles and built 11 LumenGentium, 3, 22 : practice whereby bishops duly established in all parts of the world 12 LumenGentium, 3, 23 : about that various churches, established in various places by the 13 LumenGentium, 3, 27 : preserves the form of government established by Christ the Lord in His 14 LumenGentium, 3, 28 : ministry. Thus the divinely established ecclesiastical ministry 15 LumenGentium, 3, 29 : opportune for such deacons to be established for the care of souls. With 16 LumenGentium, 6, 45 : those institutes variously established for the building up of Christ' 17 LumenGentium, 7, 48 : disciples and through Him has established His Body which is the Church 18 LumenGentium, 8, 52 : the Church, which the Lord established as His body. Joined to Christ 19 LumenGentium, 8, 55 : fulfilled and the new Economy established, when the Son of God took 20 LumenGentium, Appen, 73: Pontiff is certainly firmly established in Tradition.~N.B. Without 21 SacrosConcil, Intro, 3 : practical norms should be established. ~Among these principles 22 SacrosConcil, 1, 22 : of bishops legitimately established.~3. Therefore no other person, 23 GaudiumSpes, Intro, 6 : ideas and social conditions established for centuries.~Likewise, 24 GaudiumSpes, 1, 18 : thoughtful man a solidly established faith provides the answer 25 GaudiumSpes, 4, 41 : withdrawn, but is rather re-established in its own dignity and strengthened 26 GaudiumSpes, 4, 42 : which the human race has established for itself and constantly 27 GaudiumSpes, 5, 48 : married life and love has been established by the Creator and qualified 28 GaudiumSpes, 5, 49 : adultery or divorce. Firmly established by the Lord, the unity of 29 GaudiumSpes, 8, 74 : juridical order legitimately established or due to be established. 30 GaudiumSpes, 8, 74 : established or due to be established. When authority is so exercised, 31 GaudiumSpes, 9, 85 : changes are made in the established procedures of modern world 32 GaudiumSpes, 9, 85 : economic order is to be established on a world-wide basis, an 33 GaudiumSpes, 9, 90 : contribute to institutes already established or to be established for 34 GaudiumSpes, 9, 90 : already established or to be established for the encouragement of 35 GravissEduc, 0 : educational institutions are established. New experiments are conducted 36 GravissEduc, 0 : theology there should be established an institute or chair of 37 DignitHuman, 0, 3 : person and to the very order established by God for human life, if 38 DignitHuman, 0, 11 : assert its claims.20 It is established by witnessing to the truth 39 DignitHuman, 0, 13 : as a spiritual authority, established by Christ the Lord, upon 40 DignitHuman, 0, 15 : of peace and harmony be established and maintained within the 41 AdGentes, Pref, 1 : of God be proclaimed and established throughout the world.~In 42 AdGentes, 1, 6 : churches should be sufficiently established and should grow up all over 43 PresbytOrdin, 1, 2 : same Lord, however, has established ministers among his faithful 44 PresbytOrdin, 1, 2 : indeed, to the priests.8 Established in the order of the priesthood 45 PresbytOrdin, 3, 16 : the mysterious marriage established by Christ, and fully to 46 PresbytOrdin, 3, 19 : that all their priests at established intervals, especially a 47 PresbytOrdin, 3, 20 : territory-that norms are established according to which suitable 48 PresbytOrdin, 3, 21 : dioceses or regions there be established a common fund enabling bishops 49 PresbytOrdin, 3, 21 : provided for by other duly established sources.~Moreover, in nations 50 PresbytOrdin, 3, 21 : clergy is not yet aptly established, let the episcopal conferences 51 PresbytOrdin, 3, 21 : federated with one another or established for various dioceses together, 52 PresbytOrdin, 3, 21 : Let priests share in this established institute, prompted by a 53 DeiVerbum, Pref, 1|1 : Chapter is already found in established law, as the "senate and 54 ApostActuos, 2, 7 : value. This value has been established in them by God, whether 55 ApostActuos, 2, 8 : supernatural solidarity and established charity as the mark of His 56 ApostActuos, 3, 11 : Creator of all things has established conjugal society as the 57 ApostActuos, 4, 18 : spheres. For the associations established for carrying on the apostolate 58 ApostActuos, 4, 21 : place, or have ordered to be established as particularly urgent, 59 ApostActuos, 5, 24 : apostolic undertakings which are established by the free choice of the 60 ApostActuos, 5, 26 : Councils of this type should be established as far as possible also 61 ApostActuos, 5, 26 : secretariat, moreover, should be established at the Holy See for the 62 ApostActuos, 6, 32 : and methodology should be established for all fields of the apostolate 63 PerfectCarit, 0, 18 : needs require in houses established for those purposes.~In order 64 PerfectCarit, 0, 19 : where churches have recently established, those forms of religious 65 PerfectCarit, 0, 23 : councils of major superiors, established by the Holy See. These can 66 PerfectCarit, 0, 23 : episcopal conferences should be established with regard to the exercise 67 PerfectCarit, 0, 23 : conferences should also be established for secular institutes.~ 68 ChristDomin, 1, 5 : world, in ways and manners established or to be established by 69 ChristDomin, 1, 5 : manners established or to be established by the Roman pontiff, render 70 ChristDomin, 1, 10 : since these departments are established for the good of the universal 71 ChristDomin, 2, 23 : different rites is to be established.16 ~Also, where similar 72 ChristDomin, 2, 27 : pastoral commission will be established over which the diocesan 73 ChristDomin, 2, 35 : intact, these principles are established as fundamental:~1.) All 74 ChristDomin, 3, 36 : councils in which bishops established for various churches the 75 ChristDomin, 3, 37 : Episcopal conferences already established in many nations-have furnished 76 ChristDomin, 3, 38 : things, offices should be established which will aid in achieving 77 ChristDomin, 3, 43 : consideration, there should be established in every nation, if possible, 78 UnitatRedint, 3, 18 : the one dwelling, firmly established on Christ Jesus, the cornerstone, 79 OrientEccles, Pream, 1 :ecclesiastical traditions and the established standards of the Christian 80 OrientEccles, 1, 4 : this end, there should be established parishes and a special hierarchy 81 OrientEccles, 2, 5 : accordance with its own established disciplines, since all these 82 OrientEccles, 2, 6 : liturgical rite and their established way of life, and that these 83 OrientEccles, 3, 8 : prejudice to the legitimately established precedence of honor.10~ 84 OrientEccles, 3, 9 : privileges should be re-established in accordance with the ancient 85 OrientEccles, 3, 11 : where there is need, to be established either by an ecumenical 86 OrientEccles, 4, 12 : desires that this should be re-established if circumstances warrant 87 OrientEccles, 4, 13 : 13. The established practice in respect of the 88 OrientEccles, 4, 17 : In order that the ancient established practice of the Sacrament 89 OrientEccles, 5, 21 : may follow completely the established custom of the place where 90 OrientEccles, 5, 22 : traditions of their own established custom the Divine Office, 91 OrientEccles, 6, 25 : accordance with the regulations established by the competent authority.30~ 92 InterMirific, 2, 21 : radio and television be established everywhere and given every

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