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Vat. Ecum. Council II
IntraText - Concordances

   Doc., Chap.,  Paragraph
1 DeiVerbum, 5, 19 : instructed by the glorious events of Christ's life and taught 2 GaudiumSpes, Intro, 4: about the present course of events, they are burdened down 3 GaudiumSpes, Intro, 4: uneasiness. This same course of events leads men to look for answers; 4 GaudiumSpes, Intro, 6:contributing to the knowledge of events; by setting off chain reactions 5 GaudiumSpes, 1, 21 :grievously lacerated, as current events often attest; riddles of 6 GaudiumSpes, 1, 21 : especially when life's major events take place. To this questioning 7 GaudiumSpes, 2, 30 : one ignoring the trend of events or drugged by laziness, 8 GaudiumSpes, 6, 59 : true information concerning events of a public nature.9~As 9 GaudiumSpes, 9, 80 : certain inexorable chain of events, it can catapult men into 10 NostraAetate, 0, 2 : course of things and over the events of human history; at times 11 PresbytOrdin, 2, 6 : important and unimportant events of life. Also, Christians 12 PresbytOrdin, 3, 18 : his grace in the various events of life, and so from day 13 OptatTotius, 4, 11 : sound evaluation of men and events. The students should be 14 PerfectCarit, 0, 2 : such a way, judging current events wisely in the light of faith 15 ChristDomin, 2, 13 : at times of outstanding events as well as by the press 16 UnitatRedint, 3, 13 : West, stemming from the events which are usually referred 17 InterMirific, 1, 5 : publication of affairs and events provides every individual 18 InterMirific, 2, 14 : judgments for themselves on all events. ~The production and showing

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