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Vat. Ecum. Council II
IntraText - Concordances

   Doc., Chap.,  Paragraph
1 DeiVerbum, 2, 9 : word of God faithfully, explain it, and make it more widely 2 DeiVerbum, 4, 16 : turn shed light on it and explain it.~ 3 GaudiumSpes, Pref, 2: For the council yearns to explain to everyone how it conceives 4 GaudiumSpes, 5, 52 : their efforts they labor to explain more thoroughly the various 5 GaudiumSpes, 6, 54 : studies more profoundly explain human activity; historical 6 GaudiumSpes, 6, 58 :preaching she might spread and explain the message of Christ to 7 DignitHuman, 0, 3 : the course of which men explain to one another the truth 8 ApostActuos, 2, 6 : in doing what they can to explain, defend, and properly apply 9 ApostActuos, 4, 16 : people announce Christ, explain and spread His teaching 10 OptatTotius, 5, 16 : be enabled to proclaim, explain, and protect it in their 11 InterMirific, 2, 14 : disseminate and properly explain news concerning the life 12 InterMirific, 2, 16 : manuals should present and explain Catholic teaching and regulations

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