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Vat. Ecum. Council II
IntraText - Concordances

   Doc., Chap.,  Paragraph
1 SacrosConcil, 7, 127 : of sacred art should be founded in those parts of the world 2 GaudiumSpes, 2, 26 :constant improvement It must be founded on truth, built on justice 3 GaudiumSpes, 2, 32 : giving of His Spirit, He founded after His death and resurrection 4 GaudiumSpes, 4, 40 : eternal Father's love,2 founded in time by Christ the Redeemer 5 GaudiumSpes, 4, 42 : fulfilled by the unity, founded on Christ,10 of the family 6 GaudiumSpes, 8, 74 : and public authority are founded on human nature and hence 7 GaudiumSpes, 8, 76 : The Church, for her part, founded on the love of the Redeemer, 8 AdGentes, Pref, 1 : on whom the Church was founded, following in the footsteps 9 AdGentes, 1, 5 : heaven (cf. Acts 1:11), founded His Church as the sacrament 10 AdGentes, 1, 7 : God, through Jesus Christ founded the Church as something 11 AdGentes, 2, 17 : Opus pro Catechists" be founded.~Moreover, the churches 12 AdGentes, 3, 19 : help to those churches, founded long since, which are in 13 AdGentes, 3, 21 : church has not been really founded, and is not yet fully alive, 14 AdGentes, 4, 27 : those churches which were founded at the cost of their sweat 15 DeiVerbum, Pref, 1|1 : preached the word of truth and founded Churches." (St. Augustine, 16 ApostActuos, 1, 2 : 2. The Church was founded for the purpose of spreading 17 PerfectCarit, 0, 1 : Spirit, lived as hermits or founded religious families, which 18 PerfectCarit, 0, 11 : apostolate for which they were founded.~It may be taken for granted, 19 ChristDomin, 2, 35 : and minds, rooted in and founded upon charity. The Apostolic 20 UnitatRedint, Intro, 1: Council. Christ the Lord founded one Church and one Church 21 InterMirific, 1, 3 : Catholic Church, since it was founded by Christ our Lord to bear

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