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Vat. Ecum. Council II
IntraText - Concordances

   Doc., Chap.,  Paragraph
1 LumenGentium, 8, 69 : comfort to this holy and general Synod that even among the 2 LumenGentium, Appen : GIVEN BY THE SECRETARY GENERAL OF THE COUNCIL AT THE 123RD 3 LumenGentium, Appen : THE COUNCIL AT THE 123RD GENERAL CONGREGATION, NOVEMBER 16, 4 LumenGentium, Appen :interpreted in accordance with the general rules that are known to 5 LumenGentium, Appen : Modi with the following general observations.~ 6 LumenGentium, Appen, 73: Archbishop of Samosata ~Secretary General of the Second Vatican Ecumenical 7 SacrosConcil, 1 : CHAPTER I GENERAL PRINCIPLES FOR THE: RESTORATION 8 SacrosConcil, 1, 21 : undertake with great care a general restoration of the liturgy 9 SacrosConcil, 1, 21 : establishes the following general norms: ~ 10 SacrosConcil, 1 : A) General norms~ 11 SacrosConcil, 1, 23 : and pastoral. Also the general laws governing the structure 12 SacrosConcil, 1, 33 : the liturgy, the following general norms should be observed:~ 13 SacrosConcil, 3, 68 : also by the faithful in general when there is danger of 14 SacrosConcil, 4, 95 : office imposed on them by general or particular law. ~c) All 15 GaudiumSpes, 2, 26 : groups, and even of the general welfare of the entire human 16 GaudiumSpes, 4, 40 : council now sets forth certain general principles for the proper 17 GaudiumSpes, 6, 53 : The word "culture" in its general sense indicates everything 18 GaudiumSpes, 8, 76 : which correspond to the general good according to the diversity 19 GaudiumSpes, 9, 84 : the need to promote the general improvement of developing 20 GaudiumSpes, 9, 91 : conciliar program is but a general one in several of its parts; 21 GaudiumSpes, 9, 92 : God, both pastors and the general faithful, can engage in 22 GravissEduc, 0 : aids which belong to the general heritage of man and which 23 GravissEduc, 0 : health of the pupils and in general, promote the whole school 24 DeiVerbum, Pref|1 : 10, 1948, adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations, 25 DeiVerbum, Pref|1 : allocution to the United Nations General Assembly, Oct. 4, 1965: 26 DignitHuman, 0, 9 : further light is cast upon the general principles upon which the 27 AdGentes, 2, 16 : colleagues.17~To attain this general end, the whole training 28 AdGentes, 4, 26 : learn, that they may have a general knowledge of the peoples, 29 AdGentes, 5, 29 : 3 among the affairs of general concern,4 should give special 30 AdGentes, 5, 32 : Holy See to outline the general principles according to 31 PresbytOrdin, 2, 4 : not to be explained in a general and abstract way, but rather 32 ApostActuos, 6, 29 : required. The importance of general culture along with practical 33 OptatTotius, 1, 1 : 1. Since only general laws can be made where there 34 OptatTotius, 4, 11 : strength of character, and, in general, they are to learn to esteem 35 OptatTotius, 5, 16 : taken of its relation to the general history of the Church. Next, 36 OptatTotius, 6, 19 : their various Institutes.~In general, those capabilities are 37 PerfectCarit, 0, 1 : meant to state only the general principles of the adaptation 38 PerfectCarit, 0, 4 : authorities, especially to general chapters. The approbation 39 PerfectCarit, 0, 10 : orders by provision of their general chapter in order to meet 40 ChristDomin, 1, 8 : other authority.~(b) The general law of the Church grants 41 ChristDomin, 2, 23 : carefully studied and the general criteria which follow should 42 ChristDomin, 2, 23 : it should be considered a general rule that each diocese have 43 ChristDomin, 2, 26 : must always be named vicar general by the diocesan bishop. 44 ChristDomin, 2, 27 : diocesan curia is that of vicar general. However, as often as the 45 ChristDomin, 2, 27 : common law grants the vicar general, but only for a certain 46 ChristDomin, 2, 31 : law of concursus whether general or particular-are to be 47 ChristDomin, 2, 35 : Ordinaries for purposes of general policy- making and vigilance, 48 ChristDomin, 3, 38 : episcopal commissions and a general secretariat.~4.) Decisions 49 ChristDomin, 3, 40 : suitable norms. ) As a general rule all dioceses and other 50 ChristDomin, Direc : GENERAL DIRECTIVE ~ 51 ChristDomin, Direc, 44 : synod also prescribes that general directories be prepared 52 UnitatRedint, 2, 9 : religious psychology and general background. Most valuable 53 InterMirific, Appen, 23: 23. So that the general principles and norms of

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