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grasp 3
grasped 1
grass 1
grateful 5
gratefully 6
gratiam 1
gratian 1
Frequency    [«  »]
5 generation
5 graecis
5 grant
5 grateful
5 gregory
5 grown
5 happily
Vat. Ecum. Council II
IntraText - Concordances

  Doc., Chap.,  Paragraph
1 GaudiumSpes, 3, 37 :constantly from the hand of God. Grateful to his Benefactor for these 2 AdGentes, 6, 38 : institutes, accepting it with a grateful spirit if God should call 3 PresbytOrdin, 1, 2 : working freely and with a grateful spirit receive the work 4 PresbytOrdin, 2, 5 : called to acknowledge with grateful heart the gift of him, Who 5 PresbytOrdin, 3, 17: development of man. Let them be grateful, therefore, for all that

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