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Vat. Ecum. Council II
IntraText - Concordances

   Doc., Chap.,  Paragraph
1 DeiVerbum, 2, 7 : apostolic men who under the inspiration of the same Holy Spirit 2 DeiVerbum, 2, 9 : consigned to writing under the inspiration of the divine Spirit, while 3 DeiVerbum, 3 : III SACRED SCRIPTURE, ITS INSPIRATION AND DIVINE INTERPRETATION~ 4 DeiVerbum, 3, 11 : committed to writing under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. For 5 DeiVerbum, 3, 11 : because written under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, they 6 DeiVerbum, 4, 14 :therefore, written under divine inspiration, remain permanently valuable. " 7 DeiVerbum, 5, 18 : apostolic men, under the inspiration of the divine Spirit, handed 8 DeiVerbum, 5, 20 : writings, composed under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, by which, 9 LumenGentium, 6, 43: has the duty, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, of interpreting 10 SacrosConcil, 1, 24: are scriptural in their inspiration and their force, and it 11 GaudiumSpes, 7, 72 : work of justice under the inspiration of charity.16 ~ 12 GaudiumSpes, 9, 82 : of attitudes and for new inspiration in public opinion. Those 13 DignitHuman, 0, 4 :organization of society and the inspiration of the whole of human activity. 14 AdGentes, 4, 24 : the Holy Spirit gives His inspiration and His power. For he who 15 AdGentes, 6, 40 : people. ~Now since, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, secular 16 PresbytOrdin, 2, 11: Christ's desire, and at the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, the 17 OptatTotius, 4, 10 : humbly pray. Through the inspiration and help of the grace of 18 OptatTotius, 5, 16 : meditating on the sacred books inspiration and nourishment. ~Dogmatic 19 PerfectCarit, 0, 1 : Many of them, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, lived 20 PerfectCarit, 0, 2 : This renewal, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit and the

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