Index Help IntraText Library Èulogos | Alphabetical [« »] material 32 materialism 3 materials 2 maternal 11 maternclle 1 maternelle 1 maternity 2 | Frequency [« »] 11 intention 11 likeness 11 loving 11 maternal 11 matrimony 11 mercy 11 merits | Vat. Ecum. Council II IntraText - Concordances maternal |
Doc., Chap., Paragraph
1 DeiVerbum, 6, 22 : by her authority and with maternal concern sees to it that 2 LumenGentium, 8, 58 : uniting herself with a maternal heart with His sacrifice, 3 LumenGentium, 8, 60 : redemption for all".298 The maternal duty of Mary toward men 4 LumenGentium, 8, 62 : eternal salvation.15* By her maternal charity, she cares for the 5 LumenGentium, 8, 62 : that encouraged by this maternal help they may the more intimately 6 LumenGentium, 8, 63 :education she cooperates with a maternal love.~ 7 LumenGentium, 8, 65 : lived an example of that maternal love, by which it behooves 8 ApostActuos, 1, 4 : assumed into heaven, with her maternal charity she cares for these 9 ApostActuos, 1, 4 : life and apostolate to her maternal care. ~ 10 ChristDomin, 2, 13 : they should manifest the maternal solicitude of the Church 11 InterMirific, Intro, 2: the Church experiences maternal grief at the harm all too