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Vat. Ecum. Council II
IntraText - Concordances

   Doc., Chap.,  Paragraph
1 LumenGentium, 2, 9 : the source of unity and peace, and established them as 2 LumenGentium, 2, 13 : which in promoting universal peace presages it. And there belong 3 LumenGentium, 3, 22 : bond of unity, charity and peace,23* and also the councils 4 LumenGentium, 3, 23 : entire Church in the bond of peace, love and unity.~The individual 5 LumenGentium, 4, 36 : kingdom of justice, love and peace 4*. In this kingdom creation 6 LumenGentium, 4, 36 : in justice, charity and peace. The laity have the principal 7 LumenGentium, 4, 36 : by which the message of peace may enter the world.~Because 8 LumenGentium, 4, 38 : the poor, the meek, the peace makers-whom the Lord in 9 LumenGentium, 7, 49 : have gone to sleep in the peace of Christ is not in the 10 LumenGentium, 8, 69 : happily gathered together in peace and harmony into one people 11 GaudiumSpes, Intro, 8: of the popular desire for peace, and the ambition to propagate 12 GaudiumSpes, 2, 29 : social and international peace.~Human institutions, both 13 GaudiumSpes, 3, 38 : upon those who search after peace and justice. Appointed Lord 14 GaudiumSpes, 3, 39 : surpass all the longings for peace which spring up in the human 15 GaudiumSpes, 3, 39 : grace, of justice, love and peace."24 On this earth that Kingdom 16 GaudiumSpes, 4, 46 : the family of nations, and peace. On each of these may there 17 GaudiumSpes, 5, 48 : the dignity, stability, peace and prosperity of the family 18 GaudiumSpes, 5, 52 : and the family along with peace of conscience if by pooling 19 GaudiumSpes, 7, 63 : day by day, and the very peace of the world can be jeopardized 20 GaudiumSpes, 7, 72 : prosperity of mankind and to the peace of the world. In these activities 21 GaudiumSpes, 8, 74 : who will be cultivated, peace-loving and well-disposed 22 GaudiumSpes, 8, 76 : human community, strengthens peace among men for the glory 23 GaudiumSpes, 9 : CHAPTER V THE FOSTERING OF PEACE AND THE PROMOTION OF A COMMUNITY 24 GaudiumSpes, 9, 77 : himself to the cause of peace with renewed vigor. Thus 25 GaudiumSpes, 9, 77 : declares that the artisans of peace are blessed "because they 26 GaudiumSpes, 9, 77 : authentic and noble meaning of peace and condemns the frightfulness 27 GaudiumSpes, 9, 77 : of Christ the author of peace, with all men in securing 28 GaudiumSpes, 9, 77 : securing among themselves a peace based on justice and love 29 GaudiumSpes, 9, 77 : setting up the instruments of peace.~ 30 GaudiumSpes, 9, 78 : 78. Peace is not merely the absence 31 GaudiumSpes, 9, 78 : an enterprise of justice. Peace results from that order 32 GaudiumSpes, 9, 78 : changing as time goes on, peace is never attained once and 33 GaudiumSpes, 9, 78 : sin, the achievement of peace requires a constant mastering 34 GaudiumSpes, 9, 78 : this is not enough. This peace on earth cannot be obtained 35 GaudiumSpes, 9, 78 : for the establishment of peace. Hence peace is likewise 36 GaudiumSpes, 9, 78 : establishment of peace. Hence peace is likewise the fruit of 37 GaudiumSpes, 9, 78 : can provide.~That earthly peace which arises from love of 38 GaudiumSpes, 9, 78 : symbolizes and results from the peace of Christ which radiates 39 GaudiumSpes, 9, 78 : incarnate Son, the prince of peace reconciled all men with 40 GaudiumSpes, 9, 78 : peacemakers in pleading for peace and bringing it about.~Motivated 41 GaudiumSpes, 9, 79 : to the establishment of peace.~ 42 GaudiumSpes, 9, 81 : most effective way by which peace of a sort can be maintained 43 GaudiumSpes, 9, 81 : way to preserve a steady peace, nor is the so-called balance 44 GaudiumSpes, 9, 81 : race a sure and authentic peace. Rather than being eliminated 45 GaudiumSpes, 9, 81 : the restoration of genuine peace.~Therefore, we say it again: 46 GaudiumSpes, 9, 81 : obtaining common security. Since peace must be born of mutual trust 47 GaudiumSpes, 9, 82 : on this work of building peace with vigor. It is a work 48 GaudiumSpes, 9, 82 : greater unity.~The problems of peace and of disarmament have 49 GaudiumSpes, 9, 82 : them no good to work for peace as long as feelings of hostility, 50 GaudiumSpes, 9, 82 : all in fresh sentiments of peace. Indeed, we all need a change 51 GaudiumSpes, 9, 82 : agreements concerning world peace are reached in the future, 52 GaudiumSpes, 9, 82 : which it will experience no peace other than the dreadful 53 GaudiumSpes, 9, 82 : other than the dreadful peace of death. But, while we 54 GaudiumSpes, 9, 83 : 83. In order to build up peace above all the causes of 55 GaudiumSpes, 9, 83 : organizations which will foster peace.~ 56 GaudiumSpes, 9, 89 : contributes to the ensuring of peace everywhere on earth and 57 GaudiumSpes, 9, 90 : all men thirsting for true peace.~The council, considering 58 GaudiumSpes, 9, 92 : a harbinger of unity and peace for the world at large. 59 GaudiumSpes, 9, 92 : up the world in genuine peace.~ 60 GaudiumSpes, 9, 93 : they will be caught up in peace and utter happiness in that 61 GravissEduc, 0 : fostering of true unity and peace on earth. For a true education 62 NostraAetate, 0, 3 : moral welfare, as well as peace and freedom. ~ 63 NostraAetate, 0, 4 : by His cross Christ, Our Peace, reconciled Jews and Gentiles. 64 NostraAetate, 0, 5 : to live for their part in peace with all men,14 so that 65 DignitHuman, 0, 6 : qualities of justice and peace which have their origin 66 DignitHuman, 0, 7 : adequate care of genuine public peace, which comes about when 67 DignitHuman, 0, 15 : order that relationships of peace and harmony be established 68 AdGentes, 1, 3 : God, in order to establish peace or the communion of sinful 69 AdGentes, 1, 5 : faith, the freedom and the peace of Christ; that thus there 70 AdGentes, 1, 8 : brotherhood, of unity and of peace. Not without cause is Christ 71 AdGentes, 2, 12 : anxieties. To those in quest of peace, she wishes to answer in 72 AdGentes, 2, 12 : dialogue, bearing them the peace and the light of the Gospel. ~ 73 AdGentes, 2, 12 : way of life and to secure peace in the world. In this activity, 74 ChristDomin, 2, 12 : distribution of material goods, peace and war, and brotherly relations 75 UnitatRedint, 1, 2 : mankind through the Gospel of peace17 as it makes its pilgrim 76 UnitatRedint, 2, 7 : the spirit in the bond of peace".29 This exhortation is 77 UnitatRedint, 2, 12 :establishment of the blessings of peace, the application of Gospel 78 UnitatRedint, 3, 19 : movement and the desire for peace with the Catholic Church 79 UnitatRedint, 3, 23 : life, and the promotion of peace throughout the world.~While 80 OrientEccles, 4, 18 : of marriage, as well as peace within the family, the Sacred

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