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Vat. Ecum. Council II
IntraText - Concordances

   Doc., Chap.,  Paragraph
1 DeiVerbum, Pref, 1|1 : 2; Matt.1:22 and various places; ("for"): First Vatican 2 LumenGentium, 1, 6 : This Temple, symbolized in places of worship built out of 3 LumenGentium, 3, 23 : established in various places by the apostles and their 4 LumenGentium, 4, 33 : present and operative in those places and circumstances where 5 SacrosConcil, 1, 23 : indults conceded to various places. Finally, there must be 6 SacrosConcil, 1, 35 : particularly to be commended in places where no priest is available; 7 SacrosConcil, 1, 40 : 40. In some places and circumstances, however, 8 SacrosConcil, 7, 124 : God and from other sacred places those works of artists which 9 GaudiumSpes, Intro, 7: new humanism. In numerous places these views are voiced not 10 GaudiumSpes, 1, 19 : religious beliefs, and in some places against the Christian religion 11 GaudiumSpes, 2, 30 : society. Many in various places even make light of social 12 GaudiumSpes, 7, 63 : embitter them; or, in some places, it even results in a decline 13 GaudiumSpes, 8, 76 : at all times and in all places, the Church should have 14 PresbytOrdin, End, 22: now bears fruit in many places, under the direction of 15 ApostActuos, Intro, 1:Christian life. Besides, in many places where priests are very few 16 ApostActuos, 3, 11 : economy.~At all times and places but particularly in areas 17 ApostActuos, 4, 16 : useful at all times and places, but in certain circumstances 18 UnitatRedint, 3, 14 :explained variously in different places, owing to diversities of 19 OrientEccles, 4, 16 : grants them and also to the places and faithful of any other 20 OrientEccles, 4, 16 : expressly excluded this for places of his rite.20~ 21 OrientEccles, 6, 28 : sacred functions, things and places is allowed for a just cause.34~

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