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pondered 1
pontifex 1
pontiff 58
pontiffs 7
pontifical 14
pontificals 2
pontificatus 3
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7 philosophical
7 philosophy
7 pilgrim
7 pontiffs
7 praised
7 prays
7 precisely
Vat. Ecum. Council II
IntraText - Concordances

  Doc., Chap.,  Paragraph
1 LumenGentium, 3, 27 : regarded as vicars of the Roman Pontiffs, for they exercise an authority 2 LumenGentium, Appen, 71: The documents of recent Pontiffs regarding the jurisdiction 3 SacrosConcil, 6, 112 : Church and of the Roman pontiffs who in recent times, led 4 PresbytOrdin, 3, 19 : and documents of the Roman pontiffs and to consult the best 5 ChristDomin, Pref, 2 :authentic teachers of the faith, pontiffs, and pastors through the 6 UnitatRedint, 3, 18 : previous Councils and Roman Pontiffs, that for the restoration 7 InterMirific, Intro, 2 : manifested by the Supreme Pontiffs and Bishops in a matter

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