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Vat. Ecum. Council II
IntraText - Concordances

   Doc., Chap.,  Paragraph
1 GaudiumSpes, 1, 22: offers to every man the possibility of being associated with 2 GaudiumSpes, 6, 59: needs also the legitimate possibility of exercising its autonomy 3 GaudiumSpes, 6, 60:those men who are gifted the possibility of pursuing higher studies; 4 GaudiumSpes, 7, 63: are deprived of almost all possibility of acting on their own initiative 5 GaudiumSpes, 7, 66: and suitable work and the possibility of the appropriate technical 6 GaudiumSpes, 8, 75:discrimination the practical possibility of freely and actively taking 7 DignitHuman, 0, 6 : under which men enjoy the possibility of achieving their own perfection 8 DignitHuman, 0, 8 : arises lest they lose the possibility of acting on their own judgment. 9 AdGentes, 1, 6 : time being, there is no possibility of expounding the Gospel 10 ApostActuos, 4, 16: who have no opportunity or possibility for collaboration in associations) 11 ApostActuos, 5, 24: must not be deprived of the possibility of acting on their own accord.

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