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Vat. Ecum. Council II
IntraText - Concordances

  Doc., Chap.,  Paragraph
1 LumenGentium, 1, 3 : it pleased the Father to re-establish all things.4 To 2 LumenGentium, 1, 7 :resurrection, redeemed man and re-molded him into a new creation.50 3 LumenGentium, 8, 65: history unites in herself and re-echoes the greatest teachings 4 GaudiumSpes, 4, 41 : withdrawn, but is rather re-established in its own dignity 5 OptatTotius, 5, 16 : contribute to the work of re- establishing unity among 6 PerfectCarit, 0, 3 : and such like be suitably re-edited and, obsolete laws 7 ChristDomin, 2, 31 : removing pastors is to be re-examined and simplified. 8 OrientEccles, 3, 9 : and privileges should be re-established in accordance 9 OrientEccles, 4, 12: desires that this should be re-established if circumstances

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