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total 18
totalitarian 1
totality 3
totally 9
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tou 1
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9 synods
9 texts
9 thy
9 totally
9 types
8 1894
8 1958
Vat. Ecum. Council II
IntraText - Concordances

  Doc., Chap.,  Paragraph
1 DeiVerbum, 1, 6 : those divine treasures which totally transcend the understanding 2 LumenGentium, 6, 44: such a bond, a person is totally dedicated to God, loved 3 LumenGentium, 8, 56: sin, she devoted herself totally as a handmaid of the Lord 4 AdGentes, 6, 40 : members are involved as totally as possible in the mission 5 PresbytOrdin, 1, 3 : person; but they are to be totally dedicated to the work for 6 PresbytOrdin, 3, 18: Spirit to dedicate herself totally to the mystery of man's 7 OptatTotius, 4, 9 : honors but are given over totally to the service of God and 8 InterMirific, 1, 4 : and which can affect or totally change its propriety. Among 9 InterMirific, 1, 12:information, a freedom that is totally necessary for the welfare

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