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uplifted 3
uplifting 1
upon 122
upright 4
urbanization 2
urbanized 1
urbs 2
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4 unhesitatingly
4 unison
4 unites
4 upright
4 usages
4 validly
4 valuable
Vat. Ecum. Council II
IntraText - Concordances

  Doc., Chap.,  Paragraph
1 GaudiumSpes, 2, 26: activity in accord with the upright norm of one's own conscience, 2 GaudiumSpes, 5, 52: instincts of the faithful, the upright moral consciences of men, 3 AdGentes, 3, 19 :legislation, it is introduced into upright institutions and local customs. ~ 4 InterMirific, 1, 9: according to the norms of an upright conscience. So that they

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