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Vat. Ecum. Council II
IntraText - Concordances

  Doc., Chap.,  Paragraph
1 GaudiumSpes, 4, 42: elements inherent in the very wide variety of institutions 2 GaudiumSpes, 4, 43: contrary, are they any less wide of the mark who think that 3 GaudiumSpes, 9, 85: be established on a world-wide basis, an end will have 4 GravissEduc, 0 :multiplied and expanded far and wide and other educational institutions 5 AdGentes, 4, 25 : with an open mind and a wide heart; he will gladly take 6 AdGentes, 6, 38 : and penance to God with a wide - open heart for the evangelization 7 ApostActuos, 6, 31: materialism are spread far and wide even among Catholic, the 8 OptatTotius, 1, 1 : made where there exists a wide variety of nations and regions,

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